It is possible to deposit some or all of the premium that exceeds 12% (at present 3.5%) into a specified personal savings account.
Specified private pension is a different type of private pension savings and different rules apply to it. Article 22 of Gildi’s Statues contains a provision that applies to the specified private pension.
Umsóknareyðublöð er að finna hér á vef Gildis. Einnig er hægt að hafa samband við sjóðinn og fá eyðublað sent eða koma og sækja um útgreiðslu. Greitt er út síðasta virka dag mánaðar og þarf umsókn að berast sjóðnum fyrir 21. dag þess mánaðar.
At Gildi, you can choose between three different investment methods which are based on the interaction of returns and risk together with the different needs and risk appetite of fund members.
Private pension savings are the personal property of the individual and are fully inheritable by legal heirs and divided according to rules stated in the Inheritance Act. If a fund member does not leave a spouse or children, the private pension goes to the estate.