Eimskipafélag Íslands Shareholders’ Meeting in July 2018

The shareholders’ meeting of Eimskipafélag Íslands was held on 24 July 2018 at Korngarðar 2, Reykjavík.
Dagskrárliður Lagt fram af Afgreiðsla*
Tillaga um lækkun hlutafjár Stjórn Samþykkt
Breytingartillaga varðandi heimild til kaupa á  eigin hlutum** Gildi **
Tillaga stjórnar um heimild til kaupa á eigin  hlutum Stjórn **
*Processed by Gildi’s representatives at the meeting. The conclusion of the meeting could be different.

**Gildi’s proposal was incorporated into the Board’s proposal, and therefore, it was not voted on. The Board’s proposal, with amendments from Gildi, was then approved.

Gildi’s proposal can be found here.