HB Grandi 2019 Annual General Meeting

The 2019 Annual General Meeting of HB Grandi hf. was held on 5 May at the company’s headquarters at Norðurgarður 1, 101 Reykjavík.
Dagskrárliður Lagt fram af Afgreiðsla*
Staðfesting ársreiknings Stjórn Samþykkt
Tillaga um greiðslu arðs Stjórn Samþykkt
Tillaga að starfskjarastefnu Stjórn Samþykkt
Tillaga um þóknun til stjórnarmanna Stjórn Samþykkt
Kosning stjórnar Sjálfkjörið
Kosning endurskoðenda Stjórn Samþykkt
Tillaga um kaup á eigin bréfum** Samþykkt**
Tillaga um að koma á tilnefningarnefnd*** Stjórn Frestað***
*Processed by Gildi’s representatives at the meeting. The conclusion of the meeting could be different.

**Proposal for the purchase of own shares: Gildi’s representative at the meeting submitted an amendment. Representatives of Útgerðarfélag Reykjavíkur subsequently submitted another amendment. After the meeting discussed the submitted proposals, a new one was submitted, which was then approved.

*** Proposal to establish a nomination committee: The Board submitted an amendment on postponement of the adoption of a Nomination Committee for one year and that the Board of Directors submit a report to shareholders on the activities of nomination committees and the experience of other public limited companies in the activities of such committees.

Further information about the meeting can be found here.